ranting reboot

I totally did a complete reboot of my blog here...
I just need a quick and efficient way to post some stuff I've been working on.

ShadowLands is on hold indefinitely and I've started a new project in the meantime.
An aspect of it I'm really excited about it is it takes place where I live now, in Atlanta.  It's the first time I've purposefully gone out looking for locations in the real world to put in a comic story.  So far it's turning out pretty sweet!

 At my website you can see one of the first pieces of concept art I did for the project which is the main character, Christopher.  Here are a couple other pieces of concept art showing some of the stylistic approaches I've been considering.

 The grassy looking one is an abandoned train station.
I don't know if the detail will come through in this post or not, but theres supposed to be moss and vines all over the structure.   It's an exciting part of the story when Christopher arrives here!

 The black and white image is where I was kind of testing the style for the bulk of the story content.  I wanted there to be kind of a nostalgic feel to it, so I am using a film grain and a subdued pallette.   Not sure if this is what will remain yet.

Anyway, there's a peek into Project Advance!
 I'm looking forward to sharing the journey of creating with you!

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